Terms of Reference
A. Mandate
1. The Northern Immigration, Integration, and Citizenship Partnership (NIICP) is a consortium made up of all of the service providing organizations and the LIPS/RIFS in the three northern territories. The NIICP will work in a collaborative bilingual partnership to build capacity, identify gaps, research and analyze the trends in newcomer settlement and integration in northern Canada, providing a strong regional voice to the national settlement program. The NIICP will convene different groups, including researchers to identify and share best practices in the region, and communicate with IRCC with a collective regional voice.
B. Statement of Purpose
2. The northern SPOs and other involved parties will use the information and resources made available through the NIICP to build their capacity in order to enhance services to clients in their areas. The Northern Immigration, Integration, and Citizenship Partnership will provide an ongoing venue for the identification and discussion of the northern region’s priorities as well as a networking forum for the sharing of resources and best practices. The NIICP will work with the IRCC Regional Office to identify and discuss policy and direction for programming.
C. Structure and Representation
3. Members of the Partnership will include representatives from settlement organizations in the north: Fédération Franco-Ténoise, CDETNO, Aurora College, College Nordique Francophone, NWT Literacy Council, N.W.T. Welcome Centre for Newcomers, Immigration Carrefour Nunavut, Association franco-yukonnaise and the Multicultural Centre of the Yukon. It may also include from time to time different levels of government, non-government organizations, and business and industry sectors.
4. The Partnership members will represent the perspectives of their organizations or departments within, on the development of each activity while considering the big picture and the needs of the north as a whole.
5. In the interest of continuity, it is expected that members will be in attendance at all meetings of the Partnership. Where this is not possible, an alternate may participate.
6. Members may, from time to time, invite persons with specific expertise or knowledge to participate in the meetings of the Partnership to provide information to inform decision making.
7. The NIICP will be chaired by Darlene Doerksen, Multicultural Centre of the Yukon.
D. Defining Agreement
8. The purpose of the NIICP is to forge partnership. Therefore all decisions will be by consensus, that is, no opinion strongly opposed.
9. There will be no voting and, therefore, a quorum is not required.
10. The Partnership will work towards agreement on the deliverables. Where there is disagreement on specified provisions, the participants will mutually define areas of disagreement and agree upon how the remaining issues will be addressed. In no case will there be a statement of what portion of the members were in favour of or opposed to any provision on which there is remaining disagreement.
E. Procedures & Processes
11. The Partnership will convene for quarterly meetings. Specific dates and timelines will be chosen in consultation with Partnership members. Additional meetings may be called as required.
12. Meetings will be task oriented with specific agendas distributed in advance.
13. Summary notes highlighting such matters as the areas of discussion, assignments to sub-groups, tasks to be undertaken by individuals or organizations and any emerging areas of agreement will be kept of all Partnership meetings. Preparation and distribution of the summaries will be the responsibility of the Chair of the Partnership and their support staff.
F. Guiding Values and Ethics
14. The Values that will guide the NIICP are:
15. To follow these values the NIICP members will commit to:
Being respectful in both actions and opinions towards others in an environment that promotes acceptance, honesty, accountability, trust, and fairness.
Providing a planning process that is inclusive and accessible in all facets of these initiatives.
Encouraging and supporting new ideas and creative strategies which will enhance the delivery of services.
G. Communications
16. Membership in the Partnership shall not be used or referred to by any individual for any purpose other than Partnership business in dealings with members of the public, government or media.
H. Termination
17. The Partnership will terminate at the end of the contribution agreement unless provision is made by a future signing of a new contribution agreement.